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Servant's Heart Ministry Logo Malik Supportive Housing Services - Community Partnership -

"...We aspire to manifest a vibrant winning family living environment comprised of a group of people who have chosen to infuse our Culture Life into their daily lives and celebrate the victories of others..."
  Aleena Malik - PRESIDENT

Our Community Loves Us!

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We've created a foundation of caring that extends deep into the heart of those we serve in our Supportive Malik Transition Program – right into the lives of our employees, volunteers and community partners.

With compassion, we concentrate on anticipating and meeting the needs of individuals whether they are veterans, those in need or dual diagnosed that lives in the communities we serve.


With compassion, we concentrate on anticipating and meeting the needs of individuals whether they are veterans, those in need or dual diagnosed that lives in the communities we serve.

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Malik Supportive Housing  #mshs #doxidonut.jpg.jpg


Our vision is to bring awareness, advocate and coordinate community partnerships to prevent, reduce, and ultimately end homelessness by providing Financial principles, caring, safe & stable housing, and supportive services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Our Vision


Our mission is to significantly reduce homelessness by inspiring and empowering people who are homeless or who suffer from substance abuse and mental health challenges by implementing evidence based strategies that disrupt negative patterns, create new visions, build self-esteem and develop sustainable life skills. Our mission is based on the love, commandments and principles of NA and AA.

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Our Mission


Our Core Values: are non-negotiable, unwavering 
coreprinciples and standards we are committed to.

Core Values
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